Friday, October 27, 2006

Requiem Mass for Mother Aurelia

October 26, 2006

They crypta was filled with pcf priests and sisters at 6:45 p.m. as they joined with Msgr. Stude Santos in offering prayers for the eternal repose of his Mother (our Mother too), Aurelia, 76. The Requiem Mass was presided over by the Vice-Rector, Fr. Rico Ayo, whose homily started with reading a Tagalog poem written by a Bulakeno stating the pain and what does the Above do to heal the pain - this was in the context of the fact that just last May, the Father of Msgr. Stude passed away. In reality, however, Msgr. Stude is assuaged by the thought that both his Father and Mother are now reaping thier eternal rewards in heaven. The Father Rector left Rome for the Philippines early Thursday morning.

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