October 7, 2006.
At 8:00 A.M., the whole community of the Pontificio Collegio Filippino were once again gathered together at the main chapel to offer the Holy Eucharist in thanksgiving to God on the occasion of the 45th Anniversary Celebration of the said Collegio. His Eminence Jose Cardinal Sanchez, the Prefect Emeritus of the Sacred Congregation of the Clergy presided over the Holy Mass. Concelebrating with His Eminence were the resident-priests of the collegio with Msgr. Stude Santos, Rector and Bishop Jose Oliveros, the Bishop of Malolos, this year's retreat facilitator. The first reading was read by Sor Helen Pepito, OP; the Resp. Psalm was sung by Fr. Rolly Garcia; the Gospel was proclaimed by Fr. William Santiago. The celebration was set to full joy and happiness the resident talented musicians, Frs. Lito Jopson and Rene Ritardo. His Eminence recalled, in his homily, the vision of the CBCP in founding the PCF-to have priests formed with authentic and genuine doctrine of the Church to serve the people of God in the Philippines after their studies in Rome.
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