The President of the Pontifical Committee for the International Eucharistic Congresses, His Eminence Josef Cardinal Tomko, gave a talk to PCF priests on the priesthood and the eucharist at 8:15 in the eveing at the PCF crypta. The talk began with the community's singing "prayer for generosity" and followed by the introduction of the guest speaker by the Vice-Retor and Procurator, Fr. Rico Ayo. The speaker challenged the priests towards the end of his talk to draw life from the Eucharist by doing these: renew the Eucharistic faith in the real and true presence and therefore alive in the Most Blessed Sacrament, renew the spirit and the way in which we celebrate the Eucharistic sacrifice, and include the adoration of and visits to the Most Blessed Sacrament in our daily program. The end of his talk dealt with the role of the Blessed Mother Mary. The song "Hail Holy Queen enthroned above..." capped the day after words of gratitude given by the PCF coordinator, Fr. Richard Tan.
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