They crypta was filled with pcf priests and sisters at 6:45 p.m. as they joined with Msgr. Stude Santos in offering prayers for the eternal repose of his Mother (our Mother too), Aurelia, 76. The Requiem Mass was presided over by the Vice-Rector, Fr. Rico Ayo, whose homily started with reading a Tagalog poem written by a Bulakeno stating the pain and what does the Above do to heal the pain - this was in the context of the fact that just last May, the Father of Msgr. Stude passed away. In reality, however, Msgr. Stude is assuaged by the thought that both his Father and Mother are now reaping thier eternal rewards in heaven. The Father Rector left Rome for the Philippines early Thursday morning.
Friday, October 27, 2006
Father Rector on St. Thomas Aquinas at Napoli
October 25, 2006
The series of talks, reflections, and conferences for this academic year by the Rector to the PCF resident-priests began tonight during the Holy Hour. As the Blessed Sacrament was exposed, the reflection given by the Rector dwelt on RTW, patterned after the life of St. Thomas Aquinas while he was at Napoli. Upon hearing RTW, one can have different things going on in mind. "Ready To War" or "Ready To Wear" clothes may be one of those things. Perhaps, one could never be wrong if these ideas were in his mind when Father Rector explained what does it mean by RTW because R stands for reading, T stands for teaching, and W stands for writing. St. Thomas Aquinas accomplished all these RTW. Because of his reading, he was always ready to do "war" against the heresies of his time. Because of his teaching, he has erased doubts of many people regarding the faith. Because of his writings, he has strengthened many when modernity tries to confuse the present. According to the Rector, these three RTW are the challenges of student-priests in Rome.
After the talk of Father Rector, some priests went to the generalate of the Sisters of the Good Shepherd to dine with the Sisters who, by this gesture, showed their gratitude to PCF priests for the service rendered to them by celebrating the Holy Mass daily.
The series of talks, reflections, and conferences for this academic year by the Rector to the PCF resident-priests began tonight during the Holy Hour. As the Blessed Sacrament was exposed, the reflection given by the Rector dwelt on RTW, patterned after the life of St. Thomas Aquinas while he was at Napoli. Upon hearing RTW, one can have different things going on in mind. "Ready To War" or "Ready To Wear" clothes may be one of those things. Perhaps, one could never be wrong if these ideas were in his mind when Father Rector explained what does it mean by RTW because R stands for reading, T stands for teaching, and W stands for writing. St. Thomas Aquinas accomplished all these RTW. Because of his reading, he was always ready to do "war" against the heresies of his time. Because of his teaching, he has erased doubts of many people regarding the faith. Because of his writings, he has strengthened many when modernity tries to confuse the present. According to the Rector, these three RTW are the challenges of student-priests in Rome.
After the talk of Father Rector, some priests went to the generalate of the Sisters of the Good Shepherd to dine with the Sisters who, by this gesture, showed their gratitude to PCF priests for the service rendered to them by celebrating the Holy Mass daily.
Opening of the Academic Year for the Pontifical Universities of Rome
October 23, 2006
Led by the Father Rector of the Collegio Filippino, twelve resident priests attended the Holy Mass presided over by His Eminence Zenon Cardinal Grocholewski to officially mark the beginning of the academic year 2006-07 at St. Peter's Basilica. In the homily of the Cardinal, it was emphasized to purify one's intentions in studying here in Rome and to get oneself closer to Christ as the Apostles during the ministry of Jesus. After the Mass, the Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI met the students, seminarians, priests, formators, professors and rectors of the different collegio and pontifical universities. He exhorted every one to ask the Lord (based on Lk 11,1): insegnaci a pensare, a scrivere, e a parlare...Having entrusted everyone present to the Seat of Wisdom, the Blessed Virgin Mary, to accompany us in our studies this academic year, the Holy Father extended his apostolic blessings to us and to all our loved ones.
Led by the Father Rector of the Collegio Filippino, twelve resident priests attended the Holy Mass presided over by His Eminence Zenon Cardinal Grocholewski to officially mark the beginning of the academic year 2006-07 at St. Peter's Basilica. In the homily of the Cardinal, it was emphasized to purify one's intentions in studying here in Rome and to get oneself closer to Christ as the Apostles during the ministry of Jesus. After the Mass, the Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI met the students, seminarians, priests, formators, professors and rectors of the different collegio and pontifical universities. He exhorted every one to ask the Lord (based on Lk 11,1): insegnaci a pensare, a scrivere, e a parlare...Having entrusted everyone present to the Seat of Wisdom, the Blessed Virgin Mary, to accompany us in our studies this academic year, the Holy Father extended his apostolic blessings to us and to all our loved ones.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Josef Cardinal Tomko's Talk at PCF

The President of the Pontifical Committee for the International Eucharistic Congresses, His Eminence Josef Cardinal Tomko, gave a talk to PCF priests on the priesthood and the eucharist at 8:15 in the eveing at the PCF crypta. The talk began with the community's singing "prayer for generosity" and followed by the introduction of the guest speaker by the Vice-Retor and Procurator, Fr. Rico Ayo. The speaker challenged the priests towards the end of his talk to draw life from the Eucharist by doing these: renew the Eucharistic faith in the real and true presence and therefore alive in the Most Blessed Sacrament, renew the spirit and the way in which we celebrate the Eucharistic sacrifice, and include the adoration of and visits to the Most Blessed Sacrament in our daily program. The end of his talk dealt with the role of the Blessed Mother Mary. The song "Hail Holy Queen enthroned above..." capped the day after words of gratitude given by the PCF coordinator, Fr. Richard Tan.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Filipinos at the Fatima Shrine in Rome
October 15, 2006 (Sunday)
Hundreds of Filipino migrants from diffirent organized Christian communities came to Fatima Shrine in San Vittorino, Rome to celebrate the Family Day with our Lady. The festive day started with the living Rosary at the front ground of the Shrine. The recitation of the Our Father's and Hail Mary's was beautifully done by those people forming the Rosary by approaching and kneeling before the statue of our Lady of Fatima when their turn came to recite their Our Father or Hail Mary. The last decade of the glorious mystery of the Holy Rosary was recited by the Italian families that participated in the prayer. As Fr. Albert Guevarra, the Chaplain of the Sentro Pilipino, chanted the litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary, those people forming the Big Rosary released the the baloons they were holding, one after another. During the singing of the Salve Regina, the Big Rosary made of balloons was released into the sky. Then the Filipino Marian devotees made a procession leading to the Church.
The Holy Mass began shortly after the solemn procession. The main celebrant was the Rector of the Pontificio Collegio Filipino, Msgr. Ruperto Santos, who is at the same time the CEI-National Coordinator of the Filipino Migrants of Italy. In his beautiful homily, he dwelt on the invitations of Jesus for the people to do good things for the people, to detach from material things, and to devote oneself to Jesus. Seven PCF priests joined the Filipino Migrants in this celebration: Fr. Rey Adalid, Fr. John Brillantes, Fr. Dodong Billones, Fr. Oscar A. Cadayona, Fr. Ed Jarapa, Fr. Robert of Nigeria, Fr. Samson of Kenya. Msgr. Jerry Bitoon was also there, and the newly arrived student-priest from Bacolod, Fr. Roel, came to join for the first time the religious event this year of Filipino Migrants.
First Meeting of the Council of Co-Responsibles
October 9, 2006
After supper, the PCF coordinator, Fr. Richard Tan, called a meeting for the Council of Co-Responsibles. Among the things being discussed were the nominations for the positions unexpectedly left vacant by fellow-priests who failed to return to Rome from their vacations in the Philippines. The initial plans for the coming Intramurals were also discussed. The Sports Committee Chairman, Fr. Nemer Chua, posted a piece of paper asking the community to write their suggested theme and team names for this year's Intramurals.
45th Anniversary of the Collegio Filippino

October 7, 2006.
At 8:00 A.M., the whole community of the Pontificio Collegio Filippino were once again gathered together at the main chapel to offer the Holy Eucharist in thanksgiving to God on the occasion of the 45th Anniversary Celebration of the said Collegio. His Eminence Jose Cardinal Sanchez, the Prefect Emeritus of the Sacred Congregation of the Clergy presided over the Holy Mass. Concelebrating with His Eminence were the resident-priests of the collegio with Msgr. Stude Santos, Rector and Bishop Jose Oliveros, the Bishop of Malolos, this year's retreat facilitator. The first reading was read by Sor Helen Pepito, OP; the Resp. Psalm was sung by Fr. Rolly Garcia; the Gospel was proclaimed by Fr. William Santiago. The celebration was set to full joy and happiness the resident talented musicians, Frs. Lito Jopson and Rene Ritardo. His Eminence recalled, in his homily, the vision of the CBCP in founding the PCF-to have priests formed with authentic and genuine doctrine of the Church to serve the people of God in the Philippines after their studies in Rome.
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Annual Holy Retreat
October 3-8, 2006
Our Annual Holy Retreat started in the evening of October 3, 2006. For this year's retreat facilitator is the Bishop of Malolos, Most Rev. Jose Oliveros, who was a resident student-priest of Collegio Filippino during the years 1974-75; 1980-81. He led the pcf priests on the first day to reflect on the meaning and purpose of our priesthood which is to be rooted in the priesthood of Jesus Christ. He in fact shared with us his vocation story. At the end of the day, we were asked to reflect and share with each other our own vocation story and what particular experience/insight that serves as our inspirationn in our priesthood today. The group sharing this day was by region: Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao. On the second day, Bishop Oliveros made us reflect on the the call of the priesthood as the call to love and communion. Two moments of God's love: Creation and the History of Salvation. Four editions of loving our neighbor: love your neighbor as yourself (Mt.); love your neighbor as I love you (Jn); love your neighbor as the Sacrament of Christ (Mt.25); love your neighbor as I and the Father love each other (Jn.). For the sharing this day: Identify and share concrete signs of God's love fo us in our life; what help can I offer to my brother priest in my community and what aid can I ask from them? The group shairng was by school: Gregorian, Angelicum, Santa Croce, Alphonsianum, Lateran. The third day zeroed in on the call within the call: the call to an on-going formation and the call to chaste celibacy. Love for studies should lead to Love fo God, Church, and neighbor. "To learn Rome itself is more important than to study in Rome" was quoted by the Bishop from the book of John Paul II to drive his point. Integration of studies with prayer is very important. Regarding celibacy, it is a treasure (Paul VI) and it is a gift (PJP II). Precisely because it is a gift, we can ask it from the Lord. It is not that simple to say that because I don't have the gift, I would leave the priesthood. Celibacy should be lived with passion and enthusiasm, with eros and agape. Celibacy is not natural but rather supernatural. When you celebrate Mass, offer your celibacy to the Lord. For the sharing that day: share the joys and hopes in Rome; share the joys and hopes of the life of celibacy. The fourth day saw the priests listening to the Bishop's reflection on the Blessed Virgin Mary as the Model of Service and Love. The phrase "Behold the handmaid of the Lord" should inspire priests in their life of service and love. In the afternoon, the Bishop led the priests to reflect on the priesthood as a call to conversion and to be a minister of the sacrament of reconciation. He pointed out that priests who do not approach the sacrament of reconciliation regularly would feel the diminishing effect in his ministry of reconciliation. Thus, the Bishop challenged the priests to be a prisoner of the confessional. The day was ended with the Rite of Reconciliation and Individual Confession and Absolution after supper. The Annual Holy Retreat of the PCF came to an end after the celebration of the Holy Eucharist the following day. Grazie, Bishop Joey! And also Fr. Rey Adalid, the Spiritual Director and Fr. Venus Suarez, the Spirituality Committee, for the job well-done, grazie tante!
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Since their permesso soggiorno would expire on the 29th day of September, Frs. Dodong Billones and Mel Braga were the first PCF residents to come back from their summer pastoral ministry in the U.S. Frs. Wagner Nalitan and Rodel San Juan went home to the Philippines after their summer pastoral ministry. It was unfortunate for Fr. Wagner because at NAIA, Manila, he was robbed of his belongings, including his passpsort and permesso soggiorno. So, he could not make it this semester. Surely, the PCF community, especially the Kapatiran will miss both of them this year. Fr. Raul Dael, Fr. Greg Uanan, and Fr. Nonoy Billanes would arrive mid-November.
Feast of St. Lorenzo Ruiz in New York

Sept. 24, 2006
His Eminence Gaudencio Cardinal Rosales presided over the Holy Mass offered in honor of the First Filipino Saint Lorenzo Ruiz de Manila at St. Patrick's Cathedral, New York City. The Rector of the Cathedral, Rev. Msgr. Robert Ritchie, read the greetings of the Archbishop of New York to the Filipino Cardinal and to the Filipino parishioners served by the Filipino priest Fr. Erno Diaz who invited the Filipino Cardinal to celebrate this feast here in New York. The gothic Cathedral was filled to oveflowing. The Cardinal talked about in his homily "the Filipino diaspora" in a positive sense. Of the 38 conclebrating Filipino priests, five were PCF resident-priests: Frs. Arlou Buslon, Freddie Billanes, RJ Pinero, Jimel Varela, and Oscar Cadayona. Msgr. Barnie Auza, who is now assigned to the United Nations, and his former classmate in UST, Fr. Patrick Paraiso, were also there.
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