Friday, July 21, 2006

Buon Viaggio!

June 29, 2006

It’s very moving to see our pcf administrators keeping the trouble of bringing by car or van the student- priests to the airport to send them off and welcome them back from their summer pastoral ministry in the U.S. I think there is no other collegio in Rome doing that to their residents. Thank you Msgr. Stude, Fr. Rico and Fr. Rey.

Today, the last batch of pcf priests went off : Fr. Greg Uanan, Fr. Oscar Cadayona, Fr. Albert Flores (back to Manila to reside and teach at San Carlos Seminary), Fr. Nonoy Billanes, Fr. Jimel Varela, and Fr. Tony Ricarte. Yesterday (June 28), Frs. Oliver Yalung, Benny Calsado, and Dong Billones left pcf for the U.S. The last to leave pcf would be Fr. Richard Tan because he would be the tourist guide of the group of people accompanying Archbishop Palma who would receive the pallium from Pope Benedict XVI on June 29. Only Fr. Marvin Mejia and Fr. Edison were left because their Permesso de Soggiorno has not yet been released.

Lufthansa flight 3857 left Rome Airport at 12:35pm and arrived Munich at 2:15pm. The connecting flight to JFK Airport was supposed to leave at 3:15 p.m. The terrible thunderstorm in Munich delayed the take off for more than one hour. That’s why I arrived at the JFK Airport at 7: 45 p.m. Having examined my papers, the Immigration Officer asked me whether I am a priest and what is the shortest verse in the bible. With confidence, I answered “ Jesus began to weep” ( Jn 11:35). As I went out of the main entrance, I saw two Filipinos carrying placard bearing my name. And so to them I went. Their names were Jimmy and Rey Nicdao (whose younger brother is a priest in Pampanga, Philipppines ). Father Michael Flynn, the Pastor of St. Kilian Church, told me beforehand that people from BLD Charismtic community would pick me up at the airport. Jimmy invited me to drop by their house to take supper. Rey Nicdao and his wife brought me to the St. Kilian Rectory at Farmingdale at 10:00pm. The Associate Pastor, Fr. Todd, opened the main door for me. He led me to my room where I collapsed immediately into my bed because of the long journey.

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