Friday, June 23, 2006

Congratulations to Frs. Jimel, Midyphil, Benny

Fr. Jimel Varela earned by far his Licentiate degree in Philosophy after facing the academic tribunal of Rev. Professors in June 19, 2006. Fr. Midyphil Billones got the same degree (accordingly, with some poise and passion) in Dogmatic Theology last June 20, 2006. Today, Fr. Benny Calsado dramatically obtained also the same degree in Moral Theology after submitting his thesis entitled "The Novelty of Freedom in the Thought of John Paul II". Congratulations!

Departure for the U.S. for the summer pastoral ministry: Fr. Nemer Chua (June 19), Fr. Lito Jopson (June 20), Fr. Melchor Braga (June 21).

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