Wednesday, May 10, 2006

New Nuncio to the Phils. Visits PCF

The student-priests started waiting at the PCF lobby by 12:45 p.m. By 1:00 pm, His Excellency Fernando Filoni, new Apostolic Nuncio to the Philippines, came and conquered our highest respect and admiration for his simplicity and friendliness as evidenced in his smiles and kind words as Msgr. Ruperto Santos, the PCF Rector, ushered him to Ricardo Cardinal Vidal who was waiting together with the rest of the student-priests at the lobby. The Nuncio then joined us in the refectory where Filipino food very familiar to the Nuncio (since he was assigned in the Philippines in the late 90's as a Secretary) was served. The formal program began with the Words of Welcome by the Fr. Rector:
I would like to take this opportunity to formally welcome to the Pontificio Collegio Filippino the recently-appointed apostolic nuncio to the Philippines, His Excellency, Archbishop Fernando Filoni. Archbishop Filoni joined us in our festivities last Sunday and today, he has graciously accepted our invitation for this more intimate gathering. It is truly an honor for the entire community of the Pontificio Collegio Filippino that His Excellency acceded to our request and decided to join us for this meal. His Excellency has spent some time in the Philippines in the late 1990s and perhaps, not only has he caught a glimpse of the Filipino spirit, but it may very well be that he has learned to say “yes” when we Filipinos, who love to eat, invite him to share a meal.

Your Excellency, the Pontificio Collegio Filippino has been a “home away from home” for Filipino priests here in Rome. As you may very well know, these priests have been sent by their respective bishops to specialize in various ecclesiastical disciplines so that they could later serve the local Church in the Philippines in different capacities. But this college is not simply a house of students. It is a home of priests. Indeed, it is hoped that the stay here in the Collegio will have helped a priest, not just in academics, but also in his spiritual, community and apostolic life. For forty five years, the Pontificio Collegio has tried to fulfill its role in the on-going formation of the priests that it has welcomed through its doors. It has tried to be the Filipino priests’ “home here in Rome”. After all, it is at home where one can truly grow.

Your Excellency, you are Italian, and certainly, you have a home here in Italy, perhaps even in Rome. But now, in the Pontificio Collegio Filippino, you have a “Filipino home” in the eternal city. Its doors are always open for you. Welcome, Your Excellency, to the Pontificio Collegio Filippino!

At sa inyo pong lahat, muli, magandang tanghali at mabuhay tayong lahat!

To our joy and pleasure, Cardinal Vidal again delivered a message with wit and intelligence. As he spoke, the pcf priests interrupted him with cheers of affirmation for what he said. The opening message of Cardinal Vidal metaphorically revealed what the Philippines has become( but only insofar as the political situation). Here is the full text of the message of Cardinal Vidal:

When I heard that Archbishop Antonio Franco is being sent to Israel while Archbishop Fernando Filoni is transferred from Iraq to the Philippines, I said to myself, “The Philippines must be a good place to prepare someone to be sent to Jerusalem and Cyprus, while Iraq is a good place to prepare someone for the Philippines”.
In welcoming Archbishop Filoni to the Philippines, however, I would like to assure him that while politics in our country is fractious, he can sleep well at night in Manila. Only politicians lack sleep in the Philippines.

While there may be seven thousand one-hundred islands in the Philippines, about five major tongues and scores of dialects, we are largely united by a single faith – the Faith of Rome. Liturgy is the common language in the Philippines. Catholicism is our common culture. Faith in Jesus Christ and love for Mary form the core of our identity. Thus, the boats that connect the islands are named after Our Lady of Fatima and other titles of the Madonna. Jeepneys and buses have large signs emblazoned on them proclaiming devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, never mind if the drivers drive like the devil himself.

Here in this little piece of the Philippines in Rome, we have kept our faith and our traditions alive. Your Excellency was present during the Mass last Sunday. You have seen how alive we are whether inside or outside the chapel. Our brother and sister Filipinos are gifted with happiness that not even the distance away from home can suppress.

Here before you are the future of the Philippine church. Our clergy is relatively young, and here are some of the finest among them. They are here to bring greater vitality to the Philippine Church, by strengthening its bond with the Holy Father and the Church in Rome.
My dear Collegio priests… I said you are “the future of the Philippine Church”, and I hope there is a “Philippines” in your future. When I say you are “the future of the Philippine Church”, do not think of it as your own personal “future”, rather think of the future of the Church and of our country .Your own plans for yourself, your own dreams, all must be subordinated to that which is higher and nobler. The Church is much bigger than yourself. The needs of your countrymen are much more urgent than your own. The love of the Lord is much more passionate than all the desires and longings you may be harboring in your heart.

Here in the city of the martyrs, you must learn to die to yourself, finish your studies and serve the Philippine Church in whatever capacity your Bishop may assign to you. Every day, grow up by getting smaller, like little children, finding your own peace and joy only in the Lord. While it is a privilege to study in Rome, the real honor is to the serve your own people who have put so much hope in you.

Thank you and may the Lord bless you always!

The new Nuncio remarked, in his turn to give a brief message to us, that he would not only be a Nuncio to the Philippines but a Nuncio to the World because Filipinos could be found everywhere. He encouraged all of us to continue building bridges for our people in the Philippines, not walls.
The picture taking took place after the program.

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