Sunday, May 07, 2006

Collegio Day 2006

His Eminence Ricardo Cardinal Vidal, Archbishop of Cebu and Chairman of the CBCP Commission on Collegio Filippino, started the annual festivities in honor of Our Lady of Peace and Good Voyage by offering the Holy Mass at 10:35 a.m. at the main PCF Chapel where more than a thousand Filipinos and a few Italian friends and benefactors converged to express their praise and thanksgiving to God for the grace of 45 years of existence of the Collegio Filippino in Rome.

This 45th year anniversary celebrations of the Collegio Filippino should be very special for Filipinos here in Rome, for this coincides with the Jubilees of His Eminence Ricardo Cardinal Vidal: 75 years of life, 50 years of the priesthood, 35 years of episcopacy, and 25 years in Cebu.

The new Apostolic Nuncio to the Philippines, Archbishop Fernando Feloni, joined more than fifty Filipino priests in celebrating the Holy Eucharist wherein His Eminence preached about "Pag-ibig na tapat..." - the lessons of which were received by the audience with smiles and claps as the good Cardinal emphasized a point touching the "lovelife" of a migrant worker or a priest or a sister or a seminarian here in Rome. Concelebrating also with the Cardinal were Bishop John Du, Bishop of Dumaguete, Mons. Barnie Ausa, from Secretariat of State, who came with full of life as he met with friends, especially from the Visayas region, Don Luis Navarro, the ever likeable friend of the Collegio Filipino priests and formators, who came with his barong tagalog displayed after the Holy Mass. With the ever supportive presence of Ambassador Lydia Veyra, the Ambasssador to the Holy See (also known as Mother to the Filipino priests in Rome) and Consul Jerry, the celebrations became more joyous and worth remembering.

At 12:00 noon, the Holy Mass ended. The procession of the Our Lady of Antipolo and the Zagalas of 45 communities from the Chapel to the ground at the back of the collegio took place. The ground at the back was filled with people (approximately two thousand people) with festive faces and gestures. When the image of the Virgin Mary arrived at the center of the ground, the usual "coronation" of the image was done by Ms. Elvira Go, the prominent benefactress of the Collegio Filippino. Then the offering of flowers to the Virgin Mary by the Zagalas of the different Filipino communities and singing of the Salve Regina and prayer for peace. By 1:00 pm, the food was blessed by Bishop John Du, Bishop of Dumagute, and being served afterwards to the people who themselves prepared the food in their respective tents. By 2:00 pm, the program began: different selected Fililipino communities took turn in rendering worthwhile presentations - group dance, vocal solo, choral, drama, etc. The program ended at 4:00 p.m., but the revelries continued until 7:00 p.m.

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